Look Ahead: Solar Task Force Meeting 8/12
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By TNM Admin
August 10, 2020

This article contains a meeting agenda and documents of the Solar Task Force Meeting 8/12.
Constituents should review them now and be prepared to call in with their comments and questions.
We will post a meeting summary after.
"This Project Agreement is by and between the St. Mary’s County Government, Department of Land Use and Growth Management and Chesapeake Conservancy’s Conservation Innovation Center (CIC). The CIC agrees to provide the Services described below for the Price indicated beloweffective as of August 7, 2020 which is fully incorporated herein......Chesapeake Conservancy’s cost estimate is based on a non-profit rate for services of $90/hr".

"Due to COVID-19 precautions, the public is not allowed to be physically present, but may view the meeting on Channel 95 or the St. Mary's County Government YouTube channel. Citizens may listen by calling 301-579-7236, Access code 963443. "

Old Business:
At Tuesdays meeting there will be an explanation of the County's procurement process to allow Commercial Solar projects to be installed on St. Mary's County Govt. property and/or buildings.
Public Works and Technology will cover pportunities and challenges of placing Commercial Solar projects on County owned property, like the land fill on St. Andrews Church Rd.
There will also be report to provide information on dual use of Solar on existing "brownfield" development, and Caroline County's Solar regulations.

New Business:
Approval to schedule a teleconference meeting with Susan Minnemeyer, of the Chesapeake Conservancy, for the September 9, 2020, Task Force meeting., to discuss preparing a report for Determining Optimal Solar Siting for St. Mary's County. Discussion will include the desired content of the report, the time frame necessary and the cost to prepare the report.

Attachment Chesapeake Conservancy - St. Mary's County - SoW Draft.pdf  (219k)
Attachment PW & T combined Solar presentation.pdf  (21,968k)
Attachment Report Addendum 2020-08-12 Addendum to Information on Solar Zoning Siting for St. Mary's County (Les Knapp).pdf  (1,328k)

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