Tri County Elected Offical Salary Comparison
By TNM Admin
August 19, 2020

"Pursuant to Chapter 23 of the St. Mary’s County Code, the St. Mary’s County Compensation Review Commission convenes every four years to review salaries and benefits of St. Mary’s County officials and members of the St. Mary’s County Board of Education and make recommendations to the St. Mary’s County Commissioners. On June 12th the St Mary’s County Compensation Review Commission began its work for this four-year-cycle."

As part of the evaluation the Commission asks the elected offical how many hours they work, out of office requirements etc.
The salary comparison document is attached and compares positions like Treasurer, Sheriff, Commissioners etc.

Saint Marys is the highest paid for the following positions:
States Attorney: $164,433
Board of Education: Member - $6,000. Chair - $7,000 (Same as Charles)

Saint Marys is the median (middle) salary for the following positions.
Treasurer: $63,000
Orphans Court Judges: $9,000

Saint Marys is the lowest paid for the following positions:
Sheriff: $139,391 (Same as Calvert).
County Commissioner: Commissioner President - $44,746. Commissioner - $39,544

Attachment Elected Official Correspondence-2.pdf  (247k)
Attachment Salaries of Elected Officials in St. Marys Calvert and Charles Counties 7.31.20.pdf  (258k)