Public Hearing for Seventh District VRS (59) Tax Increase Approved
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By TNM Admin
January 30, 2020

This article is from the 1/28 SMC Commissioners meeting.
Presentation documents are attached.

The SDVRS (Company 59) runs an average of 700-800 calls per year and have 3 ambulances and 1 utility.
With approximately 60 squad members and 25 auxiliary members their skill levels range from CPR Certified to Paramedics.
SDVRS is requesting a tax increase from $.011 to $.030 on every $100 of assessed value in order to cover increasing operating expenses, equipment costs, and to remodel the existing facility.

They have not requested a tax increase in over 20 years. The only tax increase they have requested increased the tax rate from the initial $.009 to $.011 on every $100 of assessed value.
The primary reason for this tax request is to fund a daytime duty crew. There is a lack of manpower during the day.
This manpower shortage has led to them hiring a daytime dutycrew.
The paid duty crew is on shift Monday – Thursday from 5:00AM to 15:00PM.
There is also a need to add on to the existing facility. They last renovated 15 years ago but have identified the need to expand the footprint of our building.

Other operational expenses continue to rise are for medical supplies,medications, ambulance maintenance, fuel bills, protective gear, information technology(IT) expenses, and utilities.
Even though expenses have increased, we have been able to operate at the $.011 tax rate for the past 20 years, through fundraising and community support.

The Seventh District Volunteer Rescue Squad is currently receiving $.011for every $100 of assessed property value and is requesting an increase to $.030.
The actual amount of the increase will depend upon the value of the land and improvements as established by the State Department of Assessment and Taxation. The average impact per household is projected to be $35.72 per property.
The rescue tax is imposed at a rate of not more than three (3) cents on eac hone hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessable real property other than operating real property of a public utility, and seven and one-half (7.5) centson each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessable personal property and operating real property of a public utility.

After this tax increase they would be at the max amount allowed of (3) cents on each one hundred dollars ($100).
Medical Supplies and other patient care consumables that were once supplied by St.Mary's Hospital free-of-charge must now be purchased from outside vendors. The current cost of supplies exceeds $6,000 per year not including medications.
The cost of a new ambulance has increased from $80,000 in 1999 to $250,000
in 2020. Their ambulances historically have a 15 year life span.

The increased property tax will provide the Seventh District Volunteer Rescue Squad with an
additional $150,334 which will adequately fund the contract duty crew.
Having a contract duty crew will increase the probability of receiving exemplary pre-hospital care with the least possible delay.
There is language in the contract that Company 59 can exit the contract if their staffing situation changes.

I move to authorize the Seventh District Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. to hold a public hearing in reference to the proposed rescue tax rate increase for the Seventh and Fourth District as presented, with direction that the pubic hearing results and public comment will be submitted to the County for consideration as a part of the FY2021 budget process, and any such rate increase would be incorporated into our Recommended Budget, including the public hearing on April 21, 2020.
Motion by Commissioner Todd B Morgan, second by Commissioner Michael L Hewitt.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Commissioner President James R Guy, Commissioner Eric Colvin, Commissioner Michael L Hewitt, Commissioner Todd B Morgan
Not Present at Vote: Commissioner John E O'Connor

Attachment 1-14-2020 Revenue Estimate Seventh VRS.pdf  (17k)
Attachment 1-28-2020 Seventh District Rescue Presentation.pdf  (1,837k)
Attachment 7th Dist. VRS Request 5.6.19.pdf  (713k)
Attachment 7th VRS Dec support letter signed.pdf  (180k)
Attachment Code of Ordinances 49.1 Emergency Services Tax.pdf  (52k)

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