Budget Ammendment for $64,000 to Remediate 911 Center Electrical Grounding Defficiencies Approved
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By TNM Admin
January 28, 2020

At the /1/28 Commissioners meeting there was a presentation by Steve Walker, Director of Emergency Services.

From the attached public document.

"Requesting approval to use funding from the FIN20 account to fund the acquisition of Management Consultant to assist in the remediation of electrical grounding deficiencies in the 911 Back up center.
The cost of this phase of the project estimated at $64,000.00.

This will fund the acquisition of a management consultant that will assist the county in the drafting of an RFP to address the electrical power /grounding deficiencies identified in the grounding study that was completed in 2018. The funding will also pay the consultant to manage the project with the selected vendor. This will also assist in providing a projected cost of remediation of the back up center"

From the publicly recorded vote.

"I move to approve the Budget Amendment for the Department of Emergency Services from the FIN20 Capital Reserve Account in the amount of $64,000 for the acquisition of a Management Consultant to assist in the remediation of electrical grounding deficiencies in the 911 Back up center and authorize the Commissioner President to execute all related documents.

Motion by Commissioner Todd B Morgan, second by Commissioner Michael L Hewitt.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Commissioner President James R Guy, Commissioner Eric Colvin, Commissioner Michael L Hewitt, Commissioner Todd B Morgan
Not Present at Vote: Commissioner John E O'Connor"

Attachment 911 Backup Center Management Consultant funding request.pdf  (161k)

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